Friday, September 25 - last chemo ever. Hardest thing I have ever done, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. But I am done now.
It's Monday, September 28. I am getting this port taken out at 10am. Finish line. Fuck cancer. I win. I am a survivor. I am so done with cancer. Onward and upward. Get this garden hose outta my neck.
It's time to get back to living and set some new goals for life. First thing, hair goals. I want a pony tail. I like my short hair, but I want it to be long enough again that if I cut it short, it's because I choose it. I start a new job on Thursday, and I think it's going to be amazing. Total change of scenery. Hello private sector. It's about to be fall. Breast cancer awareness month is about to start. My birthday is early November. Bring it on. Bring it all on. I am ready.
Thank you again to you all for your love and support! Couldn't have done this without you!