Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Still rockin'

I am still routinely attired in the latest hospital gown fashions.

Today, I had a DEXA scan, mammogram and ultrasound. Yesterday, pulmonologist for a cough since Christmas that would not go away. Chest x-ray. Two rounds of lung function tests, pre and post inhaler. Last Friday, upper GI scoped. Still getting my ridiculous shot every four weeks and taking a pill every day. Only 3-7 more years of that to go. Meh. I saw my medical oncologist as a second appointment with the shot last Wednesday. A little blood work here and there. I still haven't found myself a new internist since 2014, but I am in no hurry to add yet another doctor's appointment to my list. In all, it seems to be working out.

As confirmed by my "no suspicious findings" imaging today, I still have NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE.