Saturday, August 23, 2014

Feeling ish

Digestive symptoms under control, but still have a tummy ache. Last night I had terrible foot cramps, which have continued today, and my hands hurt a bit too. I'm worried I messed up by not going to acupuncture these last two weeks. Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy is no joke, and it can last months to years to permanent. Sigh. Day 3.

Other than visit Dunkin this morning, I did absolutely nothing today. Too nervous to leave the house with how I am feeling. The blueberry cake donuts, however, were amazing and totally worth it! Hoping to feel better tomorrow.


  1. Hey guys... apparently Judith is having some difficulty logging on to the site so this is a test to see if we have any problems from here. Wow.... way to tease us with those donuts!! Cruel indeed...When I'm low on potassium I get charlie horse cramps in my toes. Try apricots if you can't handle the bananas. Good luck and enjoy those donuts.

  2. Thanks for blogging!! Great to follow your progress. Xoxo

  3. Thanks for the advice and encouragement!

  4. Blueberry cake donuts are the f'ing TRUTH.

  5. :-) My faves. The absolute best ever!

  6. My faves! Absolute best ever!!
