Wednesday, July 16, 2014

More of the same, progress questionable

I felt better this morning, but then started getting worse again in the afternoon. I woke up around 11am after the long ER visit, took Miralax, and measured. Only 6" of extra bloat around my waist. I vomited a little, but it wasn't bad, so I let it go without meds. By 2:30pm, the bloat crept back up to 7.5" and I had some Mylanta. By 6pm, after 30 minutes walking to try to improve, it was at 8". Yesterday it was at 8.5", although I did not start measuring at the peak- I only thought of it later. At 6pm, I took more Mylanta and Miralax. At 8pm, still at 8". Around 8.5"/9", I believe I will start vomiting again from the pressure and pain, and I would very much like to avoid that. I tried some buttered prune juice at 8pm, and now I am waiting. Hopefully things go in the right direction.

I feel like I can still smell the horrible chemical odor of the chemo drugs, like they are stuck inside me and I can never escape that hospital scent. I no longer get bitten by insects. I walked through a cloud of gnats on my walk today, and they hastened to get out of my toxic path. This stuff is no joke. Josh still gets bitten. The other weird walk observation was after I smelled someone grilling hamburgers, I wanted one so bad I could cry. My mouth will not stop watering three hours later, so much so I have to spit every 15 minutes not to get sick from swallowing, even 3+ hours later. I have resolved to appreciate every little bite I actually get to eat and enjoy going forward. I miss spicy food and meat. Even water tastes gross now. Someday, it will be normal again! Next July, I want a real picnic to celebrate this being over.

In my internet research trying to figure out how to feel better, I came across these helpful and interesting links:

rocking chair trial - 60 minutes of rocking chair action may help prevent post operative ileus (temporary bowel paralysis after abdominal surgery). I have a glider on the front porch I will be sitting on tonight!

Gastrointestinal Complications - for healthcare professionals, but helps me understand the order of what we are trying and why. If the prune juice doesn't work, I will be trying the magnesium citrate next. It is apparently an unstoppable force, but I am pretty close to doing anything to feel better. It's already in the fridge chilling.

Nausea and Vomiting - also for healthcare professionals. I would rather vomit than feel how I do now. At least I know I can ask for other drugs. Apparently (from other internet sites I read today), Emend has fewer side effects than Zofran, but is expensive and not always covered by insurance. Maybe we can try. I bet Emend is still cheaper than an ER visit. Surely BCBS will understand, and I've been so healthy all these years. I paid my dues.

Constipation Home Remedies - Dr. Bishop did strongly recommend a glass of warm prune juice with a tablespoon of butter. I tried it.  Someone else on this page said it took effect within 1 hour. Still waiting and hopeful.

Infographic on What Normal Looks Like - hat tip to Q and the 2013 Magnus Athletes Camp. Just a reminder of how things should be.

If I feel bad in the morning, I am just going to go to Sibley and refuse to leave till I get some help and pass this out of my system. I don't think I can survive the weekend like this. It's been 9 days since I was normal, before all the surgeries and chemo started. The IV drip last night helped. I could hear my insides start to finally gurgle and move, but I think it wasn't enough. I feel like if I could get enough fluid into the upper/middle part of my digestive tract where things are stuck, it might lubricate them enough to get them to work on their own.

This is NOT what I expected to be blogging about, but maybe it will help someone in the future, instead of having to forge new ground like it feels to me right now. Trying to stay positive and have perspective. Anyone else remember the Oregon Trail game? We are pioneering my patient experience here!

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