Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Went to the ER, ok now

Last night I started feeling worse. My waist increased to 9" bigger than normal with bloating. The Mylanta was no longer even doing its little bit to help. The salty taste in my mouth became nearly unbearable. I still had yellow, mustardy diarrhea, and I started vomiting again. My heart rate also felt high.

I was really worried the high potassium test was not a lab error since I was getting worse, so I called the doc on call. With a high potassium reading earlier in the day and feeling worse, she told me she couldn't rule out potential heart failure as a risk, and to go in and get retested. I went to the ER at Sibley. Based on my limited prior ER experience, I liked it better than GW (Sibley seemed cleaner, less chaotic) and about the same as INOVA.

The nurses were awesome- Linda, Marta, Janice, and Landis. Linda took my vitals and then took me back. HR 123, BP 118/72. 

While they were flushing my port, I vomited. Luckily I had enough time to ask Josh for a container and didn't make a mess.They gave me Reglan to help with nausea. It also makes you sleepy. I stole the pillow Josh had brought for himself while my poor husband tried to sleep in a chair by my bed as the sounds of other people vomiting and moaning filled the ER.  I got a whole bag of saline, which really helped. I almost asked for a second, and maybe I should have. They do think I was a bit dehydrated. They also x rayed my abdomen to look for a bowel obstruction. I had a quick call with my Uncle Dan before going into the ER, so I felt ok why they were doing it and that it wouldn't be too much radiation over my reproductive organs.

The x ray showed fluid/gas in the abdominal cavity. Physical examination showed no bowel sounds. Blood work was fine. A little low on sodium, but not way off. Apparently the high potassium can often be caused by lab error when they essentially overshake the sample and the blood cells break apart (hemolysis), spewing their potassium rich contents into the rest of the sample and contaminating it. Whew. No heart failure coming.

The ER doc recommended a liquid only diet and Miralax till things get moving again. The rice I had been eating, along with the rest of the BRAT diet recommended to me for the diarrhea, could be making things worse because it slows things down up top. My heart rate was down to 98 and BP close to the same by the time we left. Still not my normal, but better.

We got home around 3:30am, after walking into the ER just after 11. I got a follow up call today from radiology confirming that it looked like gastroenteritis or ileus, but there was no obstruction.

Nurse Chelsea also called to check in. We talked about the previous evening and the advice given. She thinks my medical oncologist Dr. Smith will want to see me before my next appointment with her for chemo on July 30. Chelsea also offered that we could do an iv drip the day after or two days after if I am feeling bad next time too.

Today, I have mostly slept and finally tried a vanilla Ensure. Not too bad. I am going to be super skinny post chemo if this keeps up.  I am hungry and headachey. Trying to drink water. I am only 7" bloated but it is still uncomfortable. No work today obviously. I hope I feel well enough to go tomorrow.

One thing I really appreciated at the ER was as I was walking out, one of the nurses told me, "Make the doctors help you." It was so knowing, sweet, and compassionate. Everyone, even doctors I guess, can get desensitized by routine.  It was really helpful to have that nod of confidence in continuing to be an advocate for my own health. Hopefully things continue to improve!


  1. I am learning so many things that I never heard from my Dad or my brother. Dad wasn't too fond of the Ensure but he loved his Ice Cream. My brother dealt with it by smoking weed. So sorry you are having to go through the crap but I am so happy you have each other for support. I hope that your body gets used to the new reality and just cooperates. The flowers are beautiful btw.

  2. Thanks Dona. I hear the pecan Ensure tastes like butter pecan ice cream when frozen, so I may try that next. The flowers pictured here were sent by my former coworkers and friends at DHS!
